Monday, December 31, 2007

Along these lines- Jess-bon, i just finished laughter in the dark and i need you to dig up your cerbu notes and tell me why i should like it. it's no lolita, no pale fire. i await your lecture.

1 comment:

Mountains, Seed Packets, Panda Bears, Bathtubs said...

i had to read that book for black's class as an example of a 'film novel'. i didn't like it very much and i think i called it "lolita on ice" which then made me think of an actual ice skating show featuring humbert and everything and that made me laugh a lot. i also remember black pronouncing albinus' name so that it rhymed with penis, which was very distracting. i think there is also a nabokov called "the enchanter" which is the same deal. cerbu taught lolita in his 4010 class last semester and i was jealous. love, jessica