Friday, September 28, 2007

The Gershwin Hotel

This is the New Place!

It's amazing! The place is in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, with this incredible view of the city across the East River. My new roommates are awesome and I can't wait to move in on Sunday! Until then, I'll be at the Gershwin Hotel in Manhattan, which looks like a pretty neat place also.
Things are finally coming together in a good way...

Where I'll Be Living.....

Monday, September 24, 2007

ATL Delta Training Center

This is from training in Atlanta... I know these photos aren't in chronological order but I've just now had the chance to upload them.
Here I'm in the jumpseat of the simulator plane, bracing for impact. So fun!

Atlanta Evening

These are from one night Lukas and I spent in Atlanta with Alex and Jules... taken by the master photographer (graphess?) Alexandrea. I remember great wine, a fire in the fireplace, music provided by DJ Objet, and later on a strange French film whose title I can't recall.... a wonderful time!

Graduation photos- Class 9!

Getting my wings at graduation!!